Tottenham Vigil For Mark Duggan In London

Peaceful Protest for Mark Duggan

Mercia Rigg Sister of the Late Sean rigg Speaks to the crowd at the Protest FOR Mark Duggan
Mr. Rufus Sylvester Father of the late Roger Sylvester speaks to protesters
Protesters express their feeling about Mark Duggan killing by Armed Police in London
Sister of Sean Rigg who also died in the hands of Police in London
Stafford Scott speaking to the supporters of Mark Duggan
Supporters looked on
Protesters carrying placard in the Street of Tottenham London
Protesters at the Vigil for Mark Duggan in London
Mark Duggan Protest in London
The scene of the Tottenham Vigil for Mark Duggan
Ken Haids Friend of the Murdered Mark Duggan is being Interview by the Press
The family of Roger Sylvester was also died in the hands of the Police in London
Protester at the Duggans Vigil in London
others use the occasion to voice their Opinion
Police officers standby looking
Others took the advantage using the occasion to voice their opinion at the Tottenham Vigil
Rufus Sylvester father of Roger Sylvester who also died in Police hands in London
A Protester
Mark Duggan Supporter
Family of Mark Duggan at the Tottenham Vigil London
Police in London stand by keeping an eye on protesters
Mark Duggan Family with Dove as a sign of Peace
A protester at the Make Duggan Vigil
Protester at the Vigil for Mark Duggan
Marcia Rigg also joined the protest.
Ken Haids Harringey Stop & Search Monitoring Group London
Supporters at the Vigil in London
Carol Duggan Aunt Of Mark Duggan Speaks to the Press
The Duggans Family stands in front of a Police station

Responsible Author: Christabell Leonard Peters

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