Is the United States headed for destruction?
A history lesson

Colors Matter (Source: Ricardo Dominguez)
Sometimes I use sarcasm, not to offend people but to open the eyes of those people who sleep and who only think of a black and white world. Should we apologize for what our ancestors did hundreds or thousands of years ago? Maybe we should ask for forgiveness; that is what God asks from us. Let us forgive Eve for what she did to Adam! Some groups refuse to apologize to anyone. We should be worried about those groups that are spreading hatred among humankind! We shouldn't care what their ancestors did in the past; we should be concerned about what their descendants might do to humanity or the planet in the near future. Nazi Germany should not be reborn in the United States or anywhere else, nor should we allow injustices to spread around the world in any form. It doesn't matter where those injustices originate. Our future is in our own hands. Either we work for the common good, or we all go to Sheol.
Have you ever asked yourself, what is BLM's real agenda? Would they support their brothers and sisters in Africa who are being slaughtered by different ethnic groups and warlords? Why is WLM considered a hate group? Why can't we think of the idea of having an ALM (All lives matter) plan?
Sometimes I use sarcasm, not to offend people but to open the eyes of those people who sleep and who only think of a black and white world. Should we apologize for what our ancestors did hundreds or thousands of years ago? Maybe we should ask for forgiveness; that is what God asks from us. Let us forgive Eve for what she did to Adam! Some groups refuse to apologize to anyone. We should be worried about those groups that are spreading hatred among humankind! We shouldn't care what their ancestors did in the past; we should be concerned about what their descendants might do to humanity or the planet in the near future. Nazi Germany should not be reborn in the United States or anywhere else, nor should we allow injustices to spread around the world in any form. It doesn't matter where those injustices originate.
Our future is in our own hands. Either we work for the common good, or we all go to Sheol.
There is an old saying that says, "what goes around comes around." Should the United States pay for its war crimes and its crimes against humanity? Should Americans cross the border into Canada or Mexico to save their own lives when God's wrath comes upon the United States? What label will the international community put on the U.S. after seeing the irrational and absurd American behavior that has been presented by the news on national television and social media around the world? I guess I wouldn't travel to a country that is on the brink of racial civil war or a revolution. The United States is a country out of control. A partisan war between republicans and democrats is destroying our beautiful land of the free. Opponents of President Trump (communists, Antifa, socialists, LGBTQ groups, recipients of social welfare, Millennial kids, etc.) are trying to remove him from Office orchestrating an undeclared civilian coup d'état.
In this partisan war, workers are becoming collateral damage, and the big shots don't care about them; they only care about how much more money they are making
There is an old saying that says, "what goes around comes around." Should the United States pay for its war crimes and its crimes against humanity? Should Americans cross the border into Canada or Mexico to save their own lives when God's wrath comes upon the United States? What label will the international community put on the U.S. after seeing the irrational and absurd American behavior that has been presented by the news on national television and social media around the world? I guess I wouldn't travel to a country that is on the brink of racial civil war or a revolution. The United States is a country out of control. A partisan war between republicans and democrats is destroying our beautiful land of the free. Opponents of President Trump (communists, Antifa, socialists, LGBTQ groups, recipients of social welfare, Millennial kids, etc.) are trying to remove him from Office orchestrating an undeclared civilian coup d'état.
In this partisan war, workers are becoming collateral damage, and the big shots don't care about them; they only care about how much more money they are making
with this charade. The United States is a country headed for destruction; civil unrest, on one side, and COVID-19, on the other hand, will wipe out lots of people in this country within the next three years if we don't stop this madness right now.
We have lived in the United States under a traditional despotic regime that has deceived citizens for centuries and centuries.
This false democracy has led the masses to believe that there can be an oppressive class that can oppress the classes they consider inferior. This corrupt government made the people believe that those lower classes didn't have the right to defend themselves, nor have the right to life, liberty, and happiness. The "parents of American freedom," all members of the white race, never intended to include minority classes within the guidelines of the United States Declaration of Independence. "The United States Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson," [1] (a white politician who had sex with African slaves ) "and then edited by the Committee of Five, which consisted of Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston" [2] (another group of white politicians)
This document states that "all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" [3] and "that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." [4] I wonder if the removal of historical statues addresses the problem of racism that is wiping out American society.
If any racial group feels harassed and abused by the ruling class of this country (the government and the elite that tramples on the workers), this racial group must root out the cancer that corrodes our nation, by any means, in order to alter and to abolish such corrupt government. Destroying or vandalizing statues that symbolize white supremacy ̶ according to the angry mob ̶ (Christopher Columbus, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Miguel de Cervantes, etc.) won't change anything.
If any racial group feels harassed and abused by the ruling class of this country (the government and the elite that tramples on the workers), this racial group must root out the cancer that corrodes our nation, by any means, in order to alter and to abolish such corrupt government. Destroying or vandalizing statues that symbolize white supremacy ̶ according to the angry mob ̶ (Christopher Columbus, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Miguel de Cervantes, etc.) won't change anything.
If all this terror that the United States is experiencing is a government experiment, then we see excellent results.
It seems that people without culture, ethics, or morals (the angry rioters) are the new leaders of the United States! The government allows chaos to exist in our cities, neighborhoods, and streets. If all law-abiding citizens try to defend their homes and lives, they can be legally prosecuted by the government. Let's make America Great again! We have created a new America where the angry vandals rule. I believe these angry rioters should go to the Mount Rushmore National Monument and destroy it! Or, they could have some lessons in world history and morality and do something positive for the country. I believe that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. bust must be next to the four presidents at Mount Rushmore National Monument. Also, the statues of minority leaders, those of Chinese, Mexican, and Native American heritage, must be erected next to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. bust. These people, they all made this nation great, for the first time, with their sweat and blood so that elite groups could become millionaires.
It seems that people without culture, ethics, or morals (the angry rioters) are the new leaders of the United States! The government allows chaos to exist in our cities, neighborhoods, and streets. If all law-abiding citizens try to defend their homes and lives, they can be legally prosecuted by the government. Let's make America Great again! We have created a new America where the angry vandals rule. I believe these angry rioters should go to the Mount Rushmore National Monument and destroy it! Or, they could have some lessons in world history and morality and do something positive for the country. I believe that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. bust must be next to the four presidents at Mount Rushmore National Monument. Also, the statues of minority leaders, those of Chinese, Mexican, and Native American heritage, must be erected next to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. bust. These people, they all made this nation great, for the first time, with their sweat and blood so that elite groups could become millionaires.
If the opponents of President Trump are fighting for a better future for all Americans, "organizing everywhere to take our country back," [5], I may ask, where were all those democrats after almost 60 years in government, doing nothing for the American people? Every one of them is enjoying a high-paid salary in a job they have for life! I believe that service limits should be established for all congressmen and senators right now.
All these quarrels that exist in the United States are not the result of an inept presidency like the one we have today. Do you know that murder was "far worse for blacks under Obama"? [6] What did the Democrats do to avoid the murder of African-Americans by the police? President Obama made several comments to the Associated Press:
"As National Guard troops responded to rioting in Baltimore, President Barack Obama said Tuesday there have been too many troubling police interactions with black citizens across America in what I have called 'a slow-rolling crisis.' But he said there was no excuse for rioters to engage in senseless violence. Obama said those in Baltimore who stole from businesses and burned buildings and cars should be treated as criminals. 'They're not protesting, they aren't making a statement, they're stealing,' Obama said." [7] The Guardian noted that "Obama has failed victims of racism and police brutality." [8] Nothing changed much for African-Americans and Latino-Americans before President Trump. The Nation comments on that fact: "Nearly 23 million black and Latino Americans continue to live in poverty, accounting for more than half of the total. The drop in poverty rates last year may have been historic, but even so, more people are living in poverty than at any time on record." [9] BuzzFeed News shows us "A Timeline Of Unarmed Black People Killed By Police Over Past Year" (during Obama years)[10]
This timeline shows us that there is no difference between African-Americans killed by the police during the Obama presidency compared to the Trump presidency. It only makes us reflect and think about the whole situation. Why didn't President Obama do justice for African-Americans during his administration? Here we see the farce of politics! The rulers who are in power are not there to help the hard-working class but to help their millionaire friends.
Comments made by the Democrat Representative Ayanna Pressley make no sense at all. "Democrat Representative Ayanna Pressley, speaking in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, said activists have been given a mandate and that America needs to 'pay us what you owe us.' " [11] America owes nothing to anyone! The elite that rules the United States, and the Vatican, owes all people equally. If BLM still thinks the U.S. Government should pay them for Slavery, think twice. Do you remember what happened during the Crusades in Europe? Do you know what happened with all the gold and jewelry stolen by the Crusaders and the Conquistadores?
All the wealth taken from the Jews, the Muslims, the Aztecs, the Incas, and the Mayans went directly to the Vatican, Rome. We should all demand compensation from the Vatican. They should return all the wealth stolen through time and compensate us for the slaughtering of our forefathers.
I think every historical moment that happened on this planet has its place in history, and we cannot change it. You have to live with it! Embrace it! Accept your reality! You can't change history by destroying statues! Statues are non-animated objects; they do not speak; they do not listen; those statues do not see; they don't feel. No one can kill a statue! I know the pain is still there! I have felt it in my flesh! Stop complaining! Stop blaming others for our human tragedy! Are we talking about Slavery? Do you know the British sent thousands of "white" Irish slaves to the Americas? "The Irish slaves were sent to British territories in the Caribbean. They were categorized as "indentured" workers and "servants" of the English colonial elites." [12] "They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas.
I think every historical moment that happened on this planet has its place in history, and we cannot change it. You have to live with it! Embrace it! Accept your reality! You can't change history by destroying statues! Statues are non-animated objects; they do not speak; they do not listen; those statues do not see; they don't feel. No one can kill a statue! I know the pain is still there! I have felt it in my flesh! Stop complaining! Stop blaming others for our human tragedy! Are we talking about Slavery? Do you know the British sent thousands of "white" Irish slaves to the Americas? "The Irish slaves were sent to British territories in the Caribbean. They were categorized as "indentured" workers and "servants" of the English colonial elites." [12] "They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas.
They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children.
Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives." [13]
"From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English, and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. Ireland's population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Britain's solution was to auction them off as well. During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia, and New England.
Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives." [13]
"From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English, and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. Ireland's population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Britain's solution was to auction them off as well. During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia, and New England.
In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers." [14] Some other treaties and documents disprove the entire controversy over Irish Slavery in America. Let's see:
"The idea that Irish people are slaves has a long history. According to historian Liam Kennedy, the idea was popular among the nineteenth-century Young Ireland movement. John Mitchel was particularly vocal in his claim that the Irish were enslaved, although he supported the transatlantic slave trade of Africans. [7]
Some books have used the term "slaves" for captive Irish people forced from their homes in Ireland and shipped overseas, against their will, to the New World, [8] particularly the British Colonies. [9] The term "slaves" or "bond slaves" was used for a "time-bound" system of years that was not perpetual. The usual period of indenture for an Irish person was from four years to nine years, after which they were free - able to travel freely, own property, make a living,
"The idea that Irish people are slaves has a long history. According to historian Liam Kennedy, the idea was popular among the nineteenth-century Young Ireland movement. John Mitchel was particularly vocal in his claim that the Irish were enslaved, although he supported the transatlantic slave trade of Africans. [7]
Some books have used the term "slaves" for captive Irish people forced from their homes in Ireland and shipped overseas, against their will, to the New World, [8] particularly the British Colonies. [9] The term "slaves" or "bond slaves" was used for a "time-bound" system of years that was not perpetual. The usual period of indenture for an Irish person was from four years to nine years, after which they were free - able to travel freely, own property, make a living,
and accumulate wealth. Additionally, the free Irish person could now marry whom they chose and their children were born into freedom. [8] The British legal term used was "indentured servants" whether the servants had volunteered for transport or were kidnapped and forced aboard ships. However, for centuries, Irish folklore or various books had referred to the captive servants as Irish "slaves" even into the 20th century. [9] [1]
During the 17th century, tens of thousands of British and Irish indentured servants immigrated to British America. The majority of these entered into indentured servitude in the Americas for a set number of years willingly in order to pay their way across the Atlantic, but at least 10,000 were transported as punishment for rebellion against English rule in Ireland or for other crimes, then subjected to forced labour for a given period.[10][11]
During this same period, the Atlantic slave trade was enslaving millions of Africans and bringing them to the Americas, including the British colonies, where they were put to work. In Ireland, Africa, and in the Caribbean, Irish people benefited from the African trade,
During the 17th century, tens of thousands of British and Irish indentured servants immigrated to British America. The majority of these entered into indentured servitude in the Americas for a set number of years willingly in order to pay their way across the Atlantic, but at least 10,000 were transported as punishment for rebellion against English rule in Ireland or for other crimes, then subjected to forced labour for a given period.[10][11]
During this same period, the Atlantic slave trade was enslaving millions of Africans and bringing them to the Americas, including the British colonies, where they were put to work. In Ireland, Africa, and in the Caribbean, Irish people benefited from the African trade,
as slave merchants, factors, investors, and owners. According to historian Nini Rodgers, "every group in Ireland produced merchants who benefited from the slave trade and the expanding slave colonies."[12] Unlike Irish indentured servants, enslaved Africans generally were made slaves for life and this perpetual slave status was imposed on their children at birth.[4] Both systematically and legally, Africans were subjected to a lifelong, heritable slavery that the Irish never were.[8] African slaves' future descendants became property.[2] " [15] We will have to do our homework to get to the bottom of things. We don't want to allow our current slavers (the rulers of the world) to continue deceiving us with their propaganda through social media; they keep us asleep with their pharmaceutical medications.
But the story doesn't end here! "Much attention and condemnation has been directed towards the tragedy of the African slave trade, which took place between the 16th and the 19th centuries. However, another equally despicable trade in humans was taking place around the same time in the Mediterranean.
But the story doesn't end here! "Much attention and condemnation has been directed towards the tragedy of the African slave trade, which took place between the 16th and the 19th centuries. However, another equally despicable trade in humans was taking place around the same time in the Mediterranean.
It is estimated that up to 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary corsairs, and their lives were just as pitiful as their African counterparts. They have come to be known as the white slaves of Barbary. Slavery is one of the oldest trades known to man. We can first find records of the slave trade dating back to The Code of Hammurabi in Babylon in the 18th century BCE. People from virtually every major culture, civilization, and religious background have made slaves of their own and enslaved other peoples. However, comparatively little attention has been given to the prolific slave trade that was carried out by pirates, or corsairs, along the Barbary coast (as it was called by Europeans at the time), in what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, beginning around 1600 AD." [16]
I have one more detail to add to the history book! Do you know who Juan Garrido was? "Juan Garrido was an African-Spanish conquistador, who is the first documented Black person to arrive in the United States." [17]
I have one more detail to add to the history book! Do you know who Juan Garrido was? "Juan Garrido was an African-Spanish conquistador, who is the first documented Black person to arrive in the United States." [17]
"Garrido is considered the first Black conquistador, as he is the most prominent among a small group of African freeman who traveled to the Americas as part of the Spanish expeditionary force." [18] "He even owned African and Indian slaves." [19]
Someone said Slavery is the evil of civilization, and it doesn't matter where it originates. There is always some kind of bondage between two people: pedophile and children; prostitutes and clients; drug user and drug dealers; politicians and voters; sadists and masochists; pharmacy corporations and sick people; priests and parishioner; rich and poor. But if you still insist on destroying human history, like Hitler tried to do in Europe during WWII, then, you must do the following:
1. Remove all statues of humans that have been part of human history; all of them.
2. Destroy the Statue of Liberty, since it does not represent freedom for African-Americans.
3. Get rid of the concept of "White Christmas" during the end of the year festivities.
4. Kill the idea of "Black Friday" during the Thanksgiving holidays.
5. Destroy human literature; all books deal with delicate subjects; not everyone can digest social ideas.
6. Churches, Sinagogues, and Mosques must be destroyed; worship should be a personal thing and must be practiced at home.
7. Music, in general, should be abolished; all songs' lyrics depict the feelings of the various ethnic groups from around the world.
8. Black and white colors should be removed from crayon boxes and construction paper.
9. Nativity scenes must be abolished.
10. The images of gods, saints, and angels must be eradicated from all churches.
11. Depiction of presidents on the currency should be changed with those of animals or natural scenes.
12. World monarchies must be eliminated by any means.
13 Black and white photography should be prohibited.
14. The figure of "Santa" (the white devil) must be removed from Government offices and businesses.
15. Religious celebrations must be terminated.
16. National or ethnic Parades should be obliterated:
Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Chinese New Year Parade
Philadelphia Mummer Parade
Thanksgiving Parade
Puerto Rican Parade
Dominican Republic Parade
Christopher Columbus Parade
4th of July Parade
The Saint Paul Winter Carnival
West Indies Parade
Halloween Parade
Mardi Gras
7. Music, in general, should be abolished; all songs' lyrics depict the feelings of the various ethnic groups from around the world.
8. Black and white colors should be removed from crayon boxes and construction paper.
9. Nativity scenes must be abolished.
10. The images of gods, saints, and angels must be eradicated from all churches.
11. Depiction of presidents on the currency should be changed with those of animals or natural scenes.
12. World monarchies must be eliminated by any means.
13 Black and white photography should be prohibited.
14. The figure of "Santa" (the white devil) must be removed from Government offices and businesses.
15. Religious celebrations must be terminated.
16. National or ethnic Parades should be obliterated:
Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Chinese New Year Parade
Philadelphia Mummer Parade
Thanksgiving Parade
Puerto Rican Parade
Dominican Republic Parade
Christopher Columbus Parade
4th of July Parade
The Saint Paul Winter Carnival
West Indies Parade
Halloween Parade
Mardi Gras
Inaugural Parade
National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade
Christmas Parade
Santa Claus Lane Parade
Gay Pride Parade
17.White wedding gowns should be banned.
18. Prohibition of all national or patriotic symbols (flags of countries and national anthems).
19. Vanilla and chocolate ice creams must be removed from the market.
20. Slogans like "Black Power" and "White Power" must be changed for the concept of "Green Power."
21. Peoples' names must be changed according to ancestry background.
22. Public schools must be abolished as they have been centers of discrimination, segregation, hatred, racism, harassment, and the false indoctrination and misrepresentation of human history.
23. The Welfare system must be extirpated; it represents the elite's tool that keeps minority groups in persistent mental, spiritual, and physical lethargy. He who does not work, let him not eat!
24. The law of one child per family must be implemented so that a human race does not exceed the other human race. Mandatory sterilization will be required after the birth of the first child. (This law will apply to the rich and poor.)
National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade
Christmas Parade
Santa Claus Lane Parade
Gay Pride Parade
17.White wedding gowns should be banned.
18. Prohibition of all national or patriotic symbols (flags of countries and national anthems).
19. Vanilla and chocolate ice creams must be removed from the market.
20. Slogans like "Black Power" and "White Power" must be changed for the concept of "Green Power."
21. Peoples' names must be changed according to ancestry background.
22. Public schools must be abolished as they have been centers of discrimination, segregation, hatred, racism, harassment, and the false indoctrination and misrepresentation of human history.
23. The Welfare system must be extirpated; it represents the elite's tool that keeps minority groups in persistent mental, spiritual, and physical lethargy. He who does not work, let him not eat!
24. The law of one child per family must be implemented so that a human race does not exceed the other human race. Mandatory sterilization will be required after the birth of the first child. (This law will apply to the rich and poor.)
25. Vaccines against diseases will be created according to different ethnic groups based on their DNA factors.
Slavery has been a human reality since the beginning of time. Black masters enslaved the Jewish people during Moses' time, and before 1400 "Slavery had existed in Europe from Classical times and did not disappear with the collapse of the Roman Empire. Slaves remained common in Europe throughout the early medieval period." [20] Do you know that "Black Slavery exists today in Muslim-dominated African nations"? [21] Newsweek informs us that the BLM leader said, "We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want" [22], which I consider a declaration of war against all people who live in the United States. Any conflict that any racial group may have in the United States should be dealt with by the government, not by civilians. Any civilian who is threatened, assaulted, or their businesses and homes destroyed, has the right to self-defense, using any means necessary to defend their property, their lives, and the lives of their families.
I believe that where your rights begin, mine end, and vice versa; either we all have the same rights or no one has any rights at all. Nobody would like to see white people destroying Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. statue in Washington, D.C.
"Why isn't BLM demanding that Muslims pay reparations for their long and sordid history of enslaving black people, that continues even to this day?" [23] Do you know that "Multiple forms of Slavery and servitude have existed throughout African history, and were shaped by indigenous practices of Slavery as well as the Roman institution of Slavery [citation needed] (and the later Christian views on Slavery), the Islamic institutions of Slavery via the Arab slave trade, and eventually the Atlantic slave trade.[1] Slavery was a part of the economic structure of African societies for many centuries, although the extent varied.[1] Ibn Battuta, who visited the ancient kingdom of Mali in the mid-14th century, recounts that the local inhabitants vied with each other in the number of slaves and servants they had, and was himself given a slave boy as a "hospitality gift."[4] In sub-Saharan Africa, the slave relationships were often complex,
"Why isn't BLM demanding that Muslims pay reparations for their long and sordid history of enslaving black people, that continues even to this day?" [23] Do you know that "Multiple forms of Slavery and servitude have existed throughout African history, and were shaped by indigenous practices of Slavery as well as the Roman institution of Slavery [citation needed] (and the later Christian views on Slavery), the Islamic institutions of Slavery via the Arab slave trade, and eventually the Atlantic slave trade.[1] Slavery was a part of the economic structure of African societies for many centuries, although the extent varied.[1] Ibn Battuta, who visited the ancient kingdom of Mali in the mid-14th century, recounts that the local inhabitants vied with each other in the number of slaves and servants they had, and was himself given a slave boy as a "hospitality gift."[4] In sub-Saharan Africa, the slave relationships were often complex,
with rights and freedoms given to individuals held in Slavery and restrictions on sale and treatment by their masters.[5] Many communities had hierarchies between different types of slaves: for example, differentiating between those who had been born into Slavery and those who had been captured through war.[6] " [24]
Unfortunately, racism exists across the planet. Why do people say racism is an American problem? Many African countries show some degree of racism and ethnic hatred among their very people. Let's see some examples:
"Ethnic pygmy populations in Central Africa suffer from racialized discrimination from Bantu peoples. [1] Pygmies and Bantus differ physically and genetically due to long lasting evolutionary separation until the Bantu expansion brought them back into close contact. [2] Pygmies have been targeted for Slavery by Bantu populations continuing into the modern age. [1] They are frequently ostracized from participation into the wider society in the various African countries that they live in and are seen as untouchables. [1] Racially-motivated attacks occur on Pygmies including rape and cannibalization. [3] [4] " [25]
Unfortunately, racism exists across the planet. Why do people say racism is an American problem? Many African countries show some degree of racism and ethnic hatred among their very people. Let's see some examples:
"Ethnic pygmy populations in Central Africa suffer from racialized discrimination from Bantu peoples. [1] Pygmies and Bantus differ physically and genetically due to long lasting evolutionary separation until the Bantu expansion brought them back into close contact. [2] Pygmies have been targeted for Slavery by Bantu populations continuing into the modern age. [1] They are frequently ostracized from participation into the wider society in the various African countries that they live in and are seen as untouchables. [1] Racially-motivated attacks occur on Pygmies including rape and cannibalization. [3] [4] " [25]
Ivory Coast
"In 2001, Ivory Coast saw a resurgence in ethnic tribal hatred and religious intolerance. In addition to the many victims among the various tribes of the northern and southern regions of the country that have perished in the ongoing conflict, foreigners residing or visiting Ivory Coast have also been subjected to violent attacks. According to a report by Human Rights Watch in 2001, the Ivory Coast government was guilty of fanning ethnic hatred for its own political ends. [5] In 2004, the Young Patriots of Abidjan, a strongly nationalist organization, rallied by the state media, plundered possessions of foreign nationals in Abidjan. Rapes and beatings of persons of European and Lebanese descent followed. No deaths were reported. Thousands of expatriates and white or ethnic Lebanese Ivorians fled the country. The attacks drew international condemnation. [6] [7] " [26]
"Slavery in Mauritania persists despite its abolition in 1980 and mostly affects the descendants of black Africans abducted into Slavery who now live in Mauritania as "black Moors" or haratin and who partially still serve the "white Moors", or bidhan, as slaves. The practice of Slavery in
"In 2001, Ivory Coast saw a resurgence in ethnic tribal hatred and religious intolerance. In addition to the many victims among the various tribes of the northern and southern regions of the country that have perished in the ongoing conflict, foreigners residing or visiting Ivory Coast have also been subjected to violent attacks. According to a report by Human Rights Watch in 2001, the Ivory Coast government was guilty of fanning ethnic hatred for its own political ends. [5] In 2004, the Young Patriots of Abidjan, a strongly nationalist organization, rallied by the state media, plundered possessions of foreign nationals in Abidjan. Rapes and beatings of persons of European and Lebanese descent followed. No deaths were reported. Thousands of expatriates and white or ethnic Lebanese Ivorians fled the country. The attacks drew international condemnation. [6] [7] " [26]
"Slavery in Mauritania persists despite its abolition in 1980 and mostly affects the descendants of black Africans abducted into Slavery who now live in Mauritania as "black Moors" or haratin and who partially still serve the "white Moors", or bidhan, as slaves. The practice of Slavery in
Mauritania is most dominant within the traditional upper class of the Moors. For centuries, the haratin lower class, mostly poor black Africans living in rural areas, have been considered natural slaves by these Moors. Social attitudes have changed among most urban Moors, but in rural areas, the ancient divide remains.[9]" [27]
"Descent-based Slavery, where generations of the same family are born into bondage, is traditionally practiced by at least four of Niger's eight ethnic groups. The slave masters are mostly from the lighter-skinned nomadic tribes: the Tuareg, Fulani, Toubou and Arabs.[46] It is especially rife among the warlike Tuareg, located in the wild deserts of north and west Niger, who roam near the borders with Mali and Algeria. In the region of Say on the right bank of the river Niger, it is estimated that three-quarters of the population around 1904““1905 was composed of slaves.[47]" [28]
"The Somali Bantu ethnic minority face significant stigmatization in Somali society due to their differing physical appearance and ancestry from the Cushitic-origin majority of Somalia. Racialized epithets targeted at the Somali Bantu
"Descent-based Slavery, where generations of the same family are born into bondage, is traditionally practiced by at least four of Niger's eight ethnic groups. The slave masters are mostly from the lighter-skinned nomadic tribes: the Tuareg, Fulani, Toubou and Arabs.[46] It is especially rife among the warlike Tuareg, located in the wild deserts of north and west Niger, who roam near the borders with Mali and Algeria. In the region of Say on the right bank of the river Niger, it is estimated that three-quarters of the population around 1904““1905 was composed of slaves.[47]" [28]
"The Somali Bantu ethnic minority face significant stigmatization in Somali society due to their differing physical appearance and ancestry from the Cushitic-origin majority of Somalia. Racialized epithets targeted at the Somali Bantu
community exist such as 'adoon' (slave) similar in connotation to the Arabic term abeed. The marginalization of the Somali Bantu community is primarily based on ethnoracial factors, unlike the marginalization of the Madhiban and other Somali-origin minorities which is primarily based on their status as a socially constructed caste.[49] Ethnic Somalis and populations of Bantu stock are genetically divergent.[50][51] Racially-motivated attacks on Somali Bantus have occurred.[52][53]" [29]
"In the Sudan, black African captives in the civil war were often enslaved, and female prisoners were often abused sexually,[61] with their Arab captors claiming that Islamic law grants them permission.[62] According to CBS News, slaves have been sold for US$50 a piece.[63] In September 2000, the U.S. State Department alleged that "the Sudanese government's support of slavery and its continued military action which has resulted in numerous deaths are due in part to the victims' religious beliefs."[64] Jok Madut Jok, professor of History at Loyola Marymount University, states that the abduction of women and children of the south is Slavery by any definition.
"In the Sudan, black African captives in the civil war were often enslaved, and female prisoners were often abused sexually,[61] with their Arab captors claiming that Islamic law grants them permission.[62] According to CBS News, slaves have been sold for US$50 a piece.[63] In September 2000, the U.S. State Department alleged that "the Sudanese government's support of slavery and its continued military action which has resulted in numerous deaths are due in part to the victims' religious beliefs."[64] Jok Madut Jok, professor of History at Loyola Marymount University, states that the abduction of women and children of the south is Slavery by any definition.
The government of Sudan insists that the whole matter is no more than the traditional tribal feuding over resources.[65]" [30]
Also, "Hugh Thomas, in his book on the History of Slavery, The Slave Trade, has detailed the African involvement in the production of victims for Slavery. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers, in order to sell them again to Europeans, to other Africans, or to Arabs especially." [31]
Racism and hatred have two faces: hatred for whites by blacks, and hatred for blacks by whites; hatred for whites by whites; hatred for blacks by blacks (Maurice Lindsay wrote a fascinating article on March 9th, 2015, on this topic: "Why black people hate black people")[32]; hatred for Israelis by Palestinians, and hatred for Palestinians by Israelis; hatred for Pakistanis by Indians, and hatred for Indians by Pakistanis; hatred for whites hillbillies by white intellectuals, hatred for white intellectuals by white hillbillies; hatred by Antifa for everyone and everything. The story of hatred never ends; Cain killed Abel because he hated his brother. I have not the slightest idea where all this hatred may come from,
Also, "Hugh Thomas, in his book on the History of Slavery, The Slave Trade, has detailed the African involvement in the production of victims for Slavery. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers, in order to sell them again to Europeans, to other Africans, or to Arabs especially." [31]
Racism and hatred have two faces: hatred for whites by blacks, and hatred for blacks by whites; hatred for whites by whites; hatred for blacks by blacks (Maurice Lindsay wrote a fascinating article on March 9th, 2015, on this topic: "Why black people hate black people")[32]; hatred for Israelis by Palestinians, and hatred for Palestinians by Israelis; hatred for Pakistanis by Indians, and hatred for Indians by Pakistanis; hatred for whites hillbillies by white intellectuals, hatred for white intellectuals by white hillbillies; hatred by Antifa for everyone and everything. The story of hatred never ends; Cain killed Abel because he hated his brother. I have not the slightest idea where all this hatred may come from,
but I believe that everything has a religious origin. Now it is being said that the image of a white Jesus Christ is synonymous with white supremacy. I think it is a racist comment expressed by groups that believe the white race oppresses them. Since the comment came out of the closet, images of a black Jesus Christ began to appear everywhere; a black Jesus Christ surrounded by black disciples, a black Virgin Mary with black baby Jesus. It is beneficial to think that way; perhaps, very soon, we will see more images of Jesus Christ as Chinese, as Indian, as Latino Macho Man, as Martian. But Jesus' issue is nothing new! While traveling around the world, I have seen the image of Jesus Christ in many forms: as Hawaiian Jesus, as Middle Eastern Jesus, as Russian Jesus, as Chinese Jesus, as Indian Jesus, even as Black Jesus. The problem is that, in this election year, people want to politicize everything. How would we portrait Jesus Christ on a planet conquered by green aliens? Will human hybrids write "Green Lives Matter" on the walls if they feel oppressed by the human species? ? Shall we allow intergalactic travelers to tear down human statues across the nation and around
the planet if they feel offended with human nature? All this uncontrolled chaos that exists in the United States reminds me of the '70s band "Up with People" (The United States was obliterating Vietnam from the face of the earth in those years.) and their beautiful song "What Color Is God's Skin?" Two of the verses speak of the creation of men in the image and likeness of God: "I said it's black, brown, yellow ... it is red, it is white Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight." [33] We used to live in harmony with everyone else in those years. Perhaps, it was probably because of the Vietnam war. Everyone was talking about peace, and love, and about stopping the war, etc. Those years were great! Now we are talking about a racial civil war in America, about an American 2nd Revolution, about Antifa groups calling for rioters to arm themselves against authority, and much more. It is disgusting!
I believe those who refuse to acknowledge the truth are part of the problem. I think that all this parody created by the groups that oppose President Trump has been programmed to destabilize the country, to create chaos, fear, anarchy, and destruction of the United States,
I believe those who refuse to acknowledge the truth are part of the problem. I think that all this parody created by the groups that oppose President Trump has been programmed to destabilize the country, to create chaos, fear, anarchy, and destruction of the United States,
and lead the nation to civil war. I believe that the immigrant caravans that came to the United States have been manipulated and financed by the corrupt minds of the government that has done nothing for this country for decades. (The news media showed us pictures of the people in the caravan; everyone was wearing decent clothes, clean sneakers, and almost everyone was carrying a backpack. None of those people looked to be malnourished or thirsty. Reporters took pictures and videos of those people who allegedly walked thousands of miles to get to the United States.) The victors of this vast American holocaust will bring chaos and misery to the United States. With a steady and totalitarian hand (a communist or fascist system), they will destroy the civil liberties that we enjoy; they will confiscate all our properties and give it to the indigent and the anarchists. All the possessions that we have fought for and worked for years will be gone forever. Do you remember Cuba? The new government, whoever they are, will be creating a system of collective identification. Such an identification program will be implemented, employing
a physical microchip or injected through a vaccine using nanotechnology. This technology will allow the government to separate people loyal to the government from people who do not agree with the government. It is just another way of enslaving people! The United States will become the new Haiti, the new Cuba, the new Venezuela. "We, the people" should mean "we the people" and not just "we republicans" or "we democrats."
It is regrettable to see that the dream that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had ("I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.")[34] has turned into America's biggest nightmare. From the beginning of time, life has shown us the evil that is in humankind. That evil still exists in us; we are as wicked as our ancestors; the history of humanity confirms it. Human beings cannot live in harmony with other human beings unless there is a relationship between oppressor and oppressed. It is as if it were a social disease that is congenital and hereditary that cannot be cut off from our being.
It is regrettable to see that the dream that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had ("I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.")[34] has turned into America's biggest nightmare. From the beginning of time, life has shown us the evil that is in humankind. That evil still exists in us; we are as wicked as our ancestors; the history of humanity confirms it. Human beings cannot live in harmony with other human beings unless there is a relationship between oppressor and oppressed. It is as if it were a social disease that is congenital and hereditary that cannot be cut off from our being.
We are massacring society without knowing that we are killing ourselves. The man of today becomes eviler, the more he knows evil. Beneath every human epidermis savagery beats! People are still not free in Africa. They are discriminated against on their continent by their people; they are still living in poverty; they have been denied the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Women from different ethnic groups are raped, enslaved, and their kids are taken away from them to become child soldiers. These children "are seen by armed groups as expendable and cheap to maintain." [35] They are "easier to control, deceive, and indoctrinate." [36] These children, after they have been brain-washed, are willing to "fight for non-monetary incentives such as honor, prestige, revenge, and duty." [37] Dr. King's speech must also apply to all the nations of Africa: "Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.
Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children." [38] There shouldn't be peace in Africa unless there is justice for all. "It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment." [39] Africa shall "not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream." [40] African-Americans, and other racial groups in America, should help our brothers and sisters who are being systematically exterminated in Africa by the ruling governments, by human experimentation, and by internal ethnic conflicts. Let's free Africa!
In America, we must depoliticize the United States and create a real government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Traitors to the people's cause should be prosecuted according to the new parameters of a new bipartisan government. Neither the Senate nor the House of Representatives, nor the Presidency shall have a term of more than eight years in power. Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said that "We are Good by Nature but Corrupted by Society,"[41] in other words, political and bureaucratic agencies enslave us and make us wicked. We must remove all color, religious, and economic barriers
In America, we must depoliticize the United States and create a real government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Traitors to the people's cause should be prosecuted according to the new parameters of a new bipartisan government. Neither the Senate nor the House of Representatives, nor the Presidency shall have a term of more than eight years in power. Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said that "We are Good by Nature but Corrupted by Society,"[41] in other words, political and bureaucratic agencies enslave us and make us wicked. We must remove all color, religious, and economic barriers
from our land if we want to become "free at last." [42]
In conclusion, we need to accept the fact that:
1. whites had white slaves
2. whites had black slaves
3. whites had Native-American slaves
4. blacks had white slaves
5. blacks had black slaves
6. blacks had Native-American slaves
7. Muslims had white slaves
8. Muslims had black slaves
World politicians should run the extra mile to help their people. If they don't, we should consider them enemies of the people. If our politicians and governments become showcase decorations on 5th Avenue, it is the Right of the People, our right, to remove those politicians from their post, and to alter or to abolish those corrupt governments, and to establish a new Government that is more humane and civilized. Nelson Mandela once said: "Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people." [43]
I know deep in my heart that Dr. King would have been the best President the United States would have ever had. Let's work together to make Dr. King's dream become a reality in this century and live a blissful life.
In conclusion, we need to accept the fact that:
1. whites had white slaves
2. whites had black slaves
3. whites had Native-American slaves
4. blacks had white slaves
5. blacks had black slaves
6. blacks had Native-American slaves
7. Muslims had white slaves
8. Muslims had black slaves
World politicians should run the extra mile to help their people. If they don't, we should consider them enemies of the people. If our politicians and governments become showcase decorations on 5th Avenue, it is the Right of the People, our right, to remove those politicians from their post, and to alter or to abolish those corrupt governments, and to establish a new Government that is more humane and civilized. Nelson Mandela once said: "Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people." [43]
I know deep in my heart that Dr. King would have been the best President the United States would have ever had. Let's work together to make Dr. King's dream become a reality in this century and live a blissful life.
Let's sing-along " What color is God's skin" :
Words & Music by Tom Wilkes & David Stevenson
"Good Night" I said to my little son
So tired out when the day was done
Then he said, as I tucked him in
"Tell me, Daddy- What Color is God's Skin?"
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.
He looked at me with his shining eyes,
I knew I could tell no lies
when he said "Daddy, why do the different races fight
If we're the same in the good Lord's sight?"
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.
"Son, that's part of our suffering past
But the whole human family is learning at last
That the thing we need on the road we trod
Is to walk as the daughters and the sons of God".
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.
Words & Music by Tom Wilkes & David Stevenson
"Good Night" I said to my little son
So tired out when the day was done
Then he said, as I tucked him in
"Tell me, Daddy- What Color is God's Skin?"
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.
He looked at me with his shining eyes,
I knew I could tell no lies
when he said "Daddy, why do the different races fight
If we're the same in the good Lord's sight?"
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.
"Son, that's part of our suffering past
But the whole human family is learning at last
That the thing we need on the road we trod
Is to walk as the daughters and the sons of God".
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight." [44]
What color is God's skin? What color is God's Skin"
I said it's black, brown, yellow... it is red, it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight." [44]
1. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happiness
2. ^ Ibid
3. ^ https://www.constitutionfacts.com/us-declaration-of-independence/read-the-declaration/
4. ^ Ibid
5. ^ https://democrats.org/
6. ^ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/murder-far-worse-for-blacks-under-obama
7. ^ https://nypost.com/2015/04/28/obama-deaths-of-black-men-by-police-a-slow-rolling-crisis/
8. ^ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/14/barack-obama-us-racism-police-brutality-failed-victims
9. ^ https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/black-life-and-death-in-the-age-of-obama/
10. ^ https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicholasquah/heres-a-timeline-of-unarmed-black-men-killed-by-police-over
11. ^ https://thepoliticalinsider.com/dem-rep-ayanna-pressley-says-black-lives-matter-a-mandate-pay-us-what-you-owe-us/?fbclid=IwAR3smNsq7W5yQEjKuEWMOjEt_mfTGRfq8oveNfZpd2vWIaffTNYu7cTTxEk
12. ^ https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves/31076
13. ^ Ibid
14. ^ Ibid
15. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth
16. ^ https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-africa/white-slaves-barbary-002171
1. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happiness
2. ^ Ibid
3. ^ https://www.constitutionfacts.com/us-declaration-of-independence/read-the-declaration/
4. ^ Ibid
5. ^ https://democrats.org/
6. ^ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/murder-far-worse-for-blacks-under-obama
7. ^ https://nypost.com/2015/04/28/obama-deaths-of-black-men-by-police-a-slow-rolling-crisis/
8. ^ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/14/barack-obama-us-racism-police-brutality-failed-victims
9. ^ https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/black-life-and-death-in-the-age-of-obama/
10. ^ https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicholasquah/heres-a-timeline-of-unarmed-black-men-killed-by-police-over
11. ^ https://thepoliticalinsider.com/dem-rep-ayanna-pressley-says-black-lives-matter-a-mandate-pay-us-what-you-owe-us/?fbclid=IwAR3smNsq7W5yQEjKuEWMOjEt_mfTGRfq8oveNfZpd2vWIaffTNYu7cTTxEk
12. ^ https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves/31076
13. ^ Ibid
14. ^ Ibid
15. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth
16. ^ https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-africa/white-slaves-barbary-002171
17. ^ https://kentakepage.com/juan-garrido-the-first-african-american/
18. ^ Ibid
19. ^ https://www.visitstaugustine.com/history/black_history/juan_garrido/index.php
20. ^ https://gellerreport.com/2020/06/black-slavery-exists-today-in-muslim-nations.html/
21. ^ https://brycchancarey.com/slavery/chrono2.htm
22. ^ https://www.newsweek.com/blm-leader-well-burn-system-down-if-us-wont-give-us-what-we-want-1513422?fbclid=IwAR2zTgy-rkZpOflbeR5ihuLgcgkzguq3ShoYQIm5adJlo5swAu6_7k194OQ
23. ^ https://barenakedislam.com/2020/06/19/why-isnt-blm-demanding-that-muslims-pay-reparations-for-their-long-and-sordid-history-of-enslaving-black-people-that-continues-even-to-this-day/
24. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Africa
25. ^ https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https%3A%2F%2Fen.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRacism_in_Africa&hl=en-ZA
26. ^ Ibid
27. ^ Ibid
28. ^ Ibid
29. ^ Ibid
30. ^ Ibid
31. ^ http://www.ironbarkresources.com/slaves/whiteslaves04.htm
32. ^ http://www.truthovertradition.com/why-black-people-hate-black-people/
33. ^ http://saintsworks.net/forums/index.php?topic=1832.0
18. ^ Ibid
19. ^ https://www.visitstaugustine.com/history/black_history/juan_garrido/index.php
20. ^ https://gellerreport.com/2020/06/black-slavery-exists-today-in-muslim-nations.html/
21. ^ https://brycchancarey.com/slavery/chrono2.htm
22. ^ https://www.newsweek.com/blm-leader-well-burn-system-down-if-us-wont-give-us-what-we-want-1513422?fbclid=IwAR2zTgy-rkZpOflbeR5ihuLgcgkzguq3ShoYQIm5adJlo5swAu6_7k194OQ
23. ^ https://barenakedislam.com/2020/06/19/why-isnt-blm-demanding-that-muslims-pay-reparations-for-their-long-and-sordid-history-of-enslaving-black-people-that-continues-even-to-this-day/
24. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Africa
25. ^ https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https%3A%2F%2Fen.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRacism_in_Africa&hl=en-ZA
26. ^ Ibid
27. ^ Ibid
28. ^ Ibid
29. ^ Ibid
30. ^ Ibid
31. ^ http://www.ironbarkresources.com/slaves/whiteslaves04.htm
32. ^ http://www.truthovertradition.com/why-black-people-hate-black-people/
33. ^ http://saintsworks.net/forums/index.php?topic=1832.0
You can listen to the song right here:
34. ^ https://www.history.com/topics/civil-rights-movement/i-have-a-dream-speech
35. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_soldiers_in_Africa
36. ^ Ibid
37. ^ Ibid
38. ^ https://www.history.com/topics/civil-rights-movement/i-have-a-dream-speech
39. ^ Ibid
40. ^ Ibid
41. ^ https://decodedpast.com/jean-jacques-rousseau-we-are-good-by-nature-but-corrupted-by-society/
42. ^ https://www.history.com/topics/civil-rights-movement/i-have-a-dream-speech
43. ^ https://waragainstallpuertoricans.com/pedro-albizu-campos/
44. ^ http://saintsworks.net/forums/index.php?topic=1832.0
Other References
34. ^ https://www.history.com/topics/civil-rights-movement/i-have-a-dream-speech
35. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_soldiers_in_Africa
36. ^ Ibid
37. ^ Ibid
38. ^ https://www.history.com/topics/civil-rights-movement/i-have-a-dream-speech
39. ^ Ibid
40. ^ Ibid
41. ^ https://decodedpast.com/jean-jacques-rousseau-we-are-good-by-nature-but-corrupted-by-society/
42. ^ https://www.history.com/topics/civil-rights-movement/i-have-a-dream-speech
43. ^ https://waragainstallpuertoricans.com/pedro-albizu-campos/
44. ^ http://saintsworks.net/forums/index.php?topic=1832.0
Other References
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