World Forum Normandy Peace logo (Source: Region of Normandie)
Due to the health crisis, the fourth edition of the Normandy World Peace Forum, which was initially scheduled to be held on June 3 and 4, 2021, has been postponed to September 30 and October 1, 2021 at the Abbaye aux Dames in Caen.
"In the current context of crisis, it has proved impossible to organize the Normandy World Peace Forum in its initial form at the beginning of June, given the very strict sanitary rules necessary for the reception of the public. Nevertheless, it seems important to us to reconnect with a flagship event of international scope. There is never a white year to build peace. It is in the order of things for Normandy to organize this Davos for Peace at a later date. That’s why we are taking a date for this event to be held on September 30 and October 1, ”says Hervé Morin, founder and chairman of the Normandy World Peace Forum, and President of the Region Normandy.
"In the current context of crisis, it has proved impossible to organize the Normandy World Peace Forum in its initial form at the beginning of June, given the very strict sanitary rules necessary for the reception of the public. Nevertheless, it seems important to us to reconnect with a flagship event of international scope. There is never a white year to build peace. It is in the order of things for Normandy to organize this Davos for Peace at a later date. That’s why we are taking a date for this event to be held on September 30 and October 1, ”says Hervé Morin, founder and chairman of the Normandy World Peace Forum, and President of the Region Normandy.
Due to the health crisis, the fourth edition of the Normandy World Peace Forum, which was initially scheduled to be held on June 3 and 4, 2021, has been postponed to September 30 and October 1, 2021 at the Abbaye aux Dames in Caen.---------------
"In the current context of crisis, it has proved impossible to organize the Normandy World Peace Forum in its initial form at the beginning of June, given the very strict sanitary rules necessary for the reception of the public. Nevertheless, it seems important to us to reconnect with a flagship event of international scope. There is never a white year to build peace. It is in the order of things for Normandy to organize this Davos for Peace at a later date. That’s why we are taking a date for this event to be held on September 30 and October 1, ”says Hervé Morin, founder and chairman of the Normandy World Peace Forum, and President of the Region Normandy. The Forum will be held over two days and will host two major conferences on the general theme of the forum initially planned: “World peace and global security: how to govern peace? "
Over the two days, 21 debates - including 5 dedicated to youth - will address topical issues around the points of view of experts, political representatives and civil society with complementary profiles. Among the other highlights: the presentation of the Freedom Prize, the European youth program Walk the Global Walk, the unveiling of the Normandy index from the European Parliament's research service, a cultural evening around artists and writers on the theme of culture and education in the service of peace, in partnership with the French representation to UNESCO. Many activities will be organized in the Village for Peace, a place of exchange with international organizations, NGOs and Forum partners who will offer interactive activities. Photographic exhibitions will be offered in the Abbey Park. In 2017, the Normandy Region launched “Normandy for Peace”, a global approach which includes an annual program in favor of the promotion of the universal values ??of peace and freedom, as well as a World Forum backed up since then to the commemorations of June 6, 1944. , to reflect and discuss the tensions in the world and the construction of peace. Previous editions have hosted Nobel Peace Prize winners, experts in geopolitics, alongside representatives of governments, academia and civil society. Source: Region Normandie
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